Big Changes Come from Small Change.
Does the fire department in your community need equipment? Is your library in need of repairs? Operation Round Up, a voluntary community support program helps local organizations and worthy causes via spare change. MiEnergy members can choose to have their monthly electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar, with the exceeding cents going towards Operation Round Up. The program is voluntary.
Round up your monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar and the remaining cents will go towards Operation Round Up. The average annual contribution from a cooperative member is $6. The most a member could contribute is $11.88 (99¢ a month).
Guidelines and trust board information
In general, the board will consider making donations to:
- Programs, projects and equipment which are important components of a community’s overall quality of life in our local area.
- Community-based environmental education programs and projects.
- Programs and projects that enhance the cultural environment of communities in our local area.
- Hardship relief (food shelves, crisis centers, emergency assistance, disaster assistance, etc.)
- Youth programs designed to combat critical social problems affecting children and youth
- Organizations with programs to assist disadvantaged children and youth.
Contributions will generally not be made for:
- Lobbying, political and religious organizations.
- Fraternal and labor organizations.
- Fund-raising dinners, raffles and other similar events.
- Capital fund campaigns.
- Advertising or marketing campaigns.
- On-going operational expenses.
- Uniforms.
- Athletic equipment.
- Transportation.
- Projects substantially completed by the time the application is made.
All application decisions:
- Are based on need.
- Give priority to cooperative members.
- Are based on the availability of funds.
The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of all funding requests:
- Potential to benefit area residents and entire community or local area.
- Level of local support for the program or project.
- Results that are predictable and that can be evaluated.
- Administrative capability of the organization to deliver quality service or program.
- Lower priority given to applicants that have the power to levy.
- Complete application form.
- Download the guidelines and application form (Fillable PDF)
- Provide detailed budget demonstrating how the grant funds will be spent and sources and/or uses of existing project/program funds.
- Submit a copy of the IRS tax-exempt letter, if appropriate.
MiEnergy's Board of Directors chooses MiEnergy members to serve on the Operation Round Up Trust Board. The trust board members choose where the funds get donated and the amount of the donation based on an application process.
The trust board members include: Neil Broadwater of Winona, president; Dan Dietzenbach of Fort Atkinson, secretary/treasurer; Beth George of Houston; Sandy Gronwoldt, Riceville; Roy Kryzer of Lewiston; Dennis Ostwinkle of Decorah; Teresa Ross of Hokah; Tom Tibor of Minnesota City, vice president and Jay Wheelock of Fountain.