MiEnergy and electric cooperatives through the U.S. are continually working with local, state and U.S. representatives and senators to ensure affordable energy costs for the future. MiEnergy does not choose particular political parties, but instead works to educate all legislators on the possible effects particular bills can have on their constituents.

Keeping electric rates affordable is a big concern of the membership. In past surveys it is one of the number one issues of importance to members and it is why MiEnergy gets involved with the political process. The cooperative works on behalf of the membership to ensure legislation includes affordability.

Keep up-to-date with our recent legislative and grassroots efforts on the both state and federal levels. We are working hard for our members and issues that affect the cooperative. “Grassroots” has an electric co-op definition, one that reflects its importance in the industry. “Grassroots” refers to electric cooperative activists – directors, managers, employees and member-owners – who take an active role in the political process to protect their co-op from harmful legislation and regulation, as well as to promote the value of co-op ownership to their legislators.

Stay connected with our grassroots member outreach program

KEEP RURAL ELECTRICITY AFFORDABLE. Your cooperative has been very active in Des Moines, St. Paul and Washington, D.C., making sure our legislators know what effects laws could have on utility costs for our members. 

Sign up today to be included in email communications from MiEnergy so you are armed with the facts that matter to co-op members. Sign up via email today to mmoellers@MiEnergy.coop and provide your email address. If you change your mind, rest assured, you can unsubscribe simply by notifying MiEnergy.

Go to www.twitter.com/MiEnergyCoop and start ‘following’ MiEnergy. We urge our members to stay connected in ‘real time’ with legislative issues affecting the co-op which in turn affect you as a member.

Watch for periodic articles in the monthly publication. Copies can also be downloaded here as they are published.

Iowa’s member-owned electric cooperatives take pride in representing the interests of the rural families and businesses they provide electricity to. That’s why electric cooperative member-consumers are banding together and leading the way in discussing what needs to be done to ensure they will have the power they need to support future economic growth in their communities. You can help your electric cooperative in this effort by continuing the discussion with friends, family and elected officials.