The 2025 exam is closed.

Each year, two area high school students are selected by MiEnergy to represent the cooperative as delegates on the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour. They will join hundreds of other students from across the country -all expenses paid- for one incredible week at our nation's capital. The Youth Tour group will explore D.C., spend a day on Capital Hill, meet their congressional leaders and see our government in action. The students will learn first hand about our government and its history, their responsibilities as citizens and how they work together. The Tour is a fast-paced leadership opportunity to see what makes America tick!

Children of MiEnergy Cooperative employees and directors are not eligible. Students must be high school sophomores or juniors to be eligible. Parents or guardians must be members of MiEnergy Cooperative. Learn more about the Youth Tour Program

Iowa Youth Tour: June 15-21, 2025

Judging event: March 26 at 8:30 a.m.

Minnesota Youth Tour: June 16-21, 2025

Judging event: March 24 at 8:30 a.m.