To proceed with your new electric service, please provide:

  1. A completed New Service Agreement (found below)

  2. A completed Member Application (if you are a current MiEnergy member, we will already have this on file)

  3. Payment of new service fees (payable after your account has been created by the co-op)

For questions about your new service, please contact Ruth (for Iowa) or Audra (for Minnesota) via the methods below.

If your property does not have service:

Please complete the New Service Agreement form via the fillable PDF below and return via mail or email. Please keep or save a copy for your records.

New Service Agreement- Fillable PDF


Minnesota members can complete the New Service Agreement online via the link below. A copy of the agreement will be sent to the email address you provide. 

New Service Agreement- Complete Online


Not currently a member (you are a member if you receive an electricity bill from MiEnergy):

You will also need to download and complete the appropriate Member Application form and email or mail it to the cooperative. Find the forms below:

Member application- Individual                  Member Application- Business

Line Extensions

MiEnergy has specific requirements and costs for extending power line for new electric service. Depending on the circumstances there may be additional requirements. See the policy for more information: Line Extension Policy

Line Extension Diagrams:

200 amp steel post
200 amp wood post
200 amp from overhead
200 amp from underground
400 amp or greater from overhead
400 amp or greater from underground


Complete the fillable PDF(s) and return to:


Mail to: MiEnergy Cooperative
Attn: Ruth Riha
PO Box 90
Cresco, IA 52136


Complete the fillable PDF(s) and return to:


Mail to: MiEnergy Cooperative
Attn: Audra Skalet
PO Box 626
Rushford, MN 55971

New Service fees

After your account has been created by the cooperative, you can pay the new service fees via one of the three methods below:

($100 new service fee + 6% state tax + 1% local tax)

Fillmore County: $107.38
($100 new service fee + 6.875% state tax + .5% local tax)

Houston County: $106.88
($100 new service fee + 6.875% state tax)

Mower County: $107.38
($100 new service fee + 6.875% state tax + .5% local tax)

Olmsted County: $107.38
($100 new service fee + 6.875% state tax + .5% local tax)

Winona County: $107.38
($100 new service fee + 6.875% state tax + .5% local tax)