Tuesday | June 1, 2021

Annual report “Driving Change” wins silver

Cresco, IA | Rushford, MN (10 a.m. June 1, 2021)— MiEnergy Cooperative recently received recognition in the national 2021 Spotlight on Excellence Awards program, sponsored by the Council of Rural Electric Communicators (CREC) and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).  MiEnergy received a Silver Award in the Best Annual Report category for “Driving Change.” The marketing team of Annie Hoiland and Brenda Tesch, both of Rushford, and Meagan Moellers, of Cresco, created the award-winning report.

“Printed publications, social media and videos are all more important than ever to keep members updated on issues affecting the electric cooperatives and their members,” said Scott Peterson, senior vice president communications for NRECA. 

Winners are recognized during the CONNECT conference, a national conference for communications and marketing professionals, to be held virtually in June, due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. As with years past, winning entries are available for all electric cooperative communicators to view online at cooperative.com.

The annual Spotlight on Excellence Awards program recognizes the best communication and marketing efforts by electric cooperatives and related organizations. Entrants competed with electric cooperatives of similar size in 16 categories. Electric cooperative communicators and marketing professionals submitted more than 720 entries in the Spotlight on Excellence program. Faculty members from the University of Missouri – Columbia and University of South Carolina, as well as noted professionals in the fields of marketing, web design and digital communications, and newspapers judged the event, which uses a finite scoring system to determine the winners.

The CREC was organized in 1982, and seeks to advance the recognition, education and professionalism of electric cooperative communicators and their affiliated organizations. This volunteer association works on behalf of more than 4,000 electric cooperative communicators across the United States. 

three women holding an award

Media Contact:

Brenda Tesch
Manager of Marketing and Communications